Architects' Journal
Our Former Curzon Cinema project featured in The Architects' Journal! The application is filed and we hope Trafford LPA are receptive to our proposals! Further coverage on BBC News, Manchester Evening News & Place North West, among others!
Website Relaunch !
Brass Architecture have had a makeover! assisted by the talented team at Justified Studio, London ... our re-brand includes updated website and refresh of company wide assets. Our new website showcasing a taster of our works (spanning across all industry sectors).
New Office Location !
Our new office location is open! Nestled in the heart of West Yorkshire, we are located in Central Marsden (Station Rd). Our new location allows us to broaden our reach across many northern locations. Please do not hesitate to pop in for 'a cuppa' if you are in the area :)
AI & Architecture
Most of our repeat clients are fully aware Brass Architecture have embraced emerging AI technologies over the last 7+ years. Industry changes are accelerating in this exponential age. Many risk getting left behind. We welcome any questions regarding this new era of design !
National Planning Policy Framework
Dec 2023 _ The Government announce details of the 'much heralded' updated NPPF including B.I.D.E.N. Beauty, Infrastructure, Democracy, Environment & Neighbourhood. Be interesting to see how the planning timeline measures announced will impact (or not?) the speed of application determinations !
Planning Granted !
After 2+ years of hard work, we have finally achieved full planning consent from Camden Local Planning Authority for our new build residential (infill) project in the heart of West Hampstead, London !!! The scheme returns much needed residential units within the borough.
Appeal Success !
Brass' submitted an appeal to overturn the planning refusal for the upgrade of Harlow Leisure Centre (defined unit) to a place for gathering/ location of worship. The Appeal Board agreed the refusal reasons were unfounded and politically motivated. A great result !
Planning Success !
Brass Architecture have secured another planning permission for a striking remodel of a property located in Peckham, South London. The submittal and determination of the application processed at speed (given robust submission material). Going to be a good one !
Internships at Brass !
Brass Architecture have had the pleasure of hosting interns in the past _ allowing young people (aspiring architects) to further develop their understanding of the industry. If you are pre-university or currently studying, please reach out - if you wish to add some studio experience to your CV !
High Street Rejuvenation !
Brass Architecture continue to appraise change of use and redevelopment potential of tired high street locations. Our latest investigations, to review infill (disused) sites within city centre locations across the county of Kent. Each project's 'return architecture' informed by the local vernacular (whilst inventive) !
Air Space Development !
We are well versed at adding to existing assets via upward (air space) development. Such works also afford aesthetic overhaul opportunity. Get in touch if you have a site in mind that you believe has scope for such works !
Do You Require CGI's ?
Brass create a range of visuals inhouse utilising our bespoke IT infrastructure. We also partner with AVixual for high realism artwork and verified views. Put simply, any image that is required - we can deliver !
Are You A Building Owner ?
We advocate any owner of a large building (or portfolio) that is simply sitting there not doing much to reach out to us! We appraise and action plan potential avenues to add to an asset/ elevate returns/ future proof sites !
New Commission !
Brass Architecture have been engaged to review delivery options for a substantial site located in Epping, Essex. We look forward to developing this one over the coming year. Revitalising a key high street location !
Marketing Materials
We have aided many clients with the associative marketing material for a given project. Others commission outside companies. We ask why? Surely the creators of a scheme are best placed to promote it ?
Looking To Buy A Site ?
We aid many of our key note clients purchase assets off market. We simply connect people who spring to mind - aligned to sale opportunity type, location, development scope etc !
Looking to Sell An Asset ?
We provide contacts, sales material (imagery, brochures etc) and strategy to maximise the sale potential of a given site or asset. Our works have led to super speed acquisitions given the clarity and comprehensive sales literature put forward !
Are You A Developer ?
Looking to maximise an asset? Review the sale of an asset? or review a wider portfolio? ... we aid many clients plan their upcoming deliverables and commissions to suit current and emerging market trends !
Looking for Your Next Project ?
We aid many clients pre acquisition - reviewing opportunities and constraints for a given project. Such early works offers comfort, identifies risks and storyboards deliverables (and timelines) to achieve desired goals.